="ie=edge"> Getting started with AWS Amplify | What is AWS Amplify?

AWS Amplify Tutorial

Greetings students. Today we'll learn how to use AWS Amplify to deploy a website and route it to a personal domain.
In the times we currently live in, websites serve as the primary source of information on the Internet, making having our website always advantageous.

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What is AWS Amplifier?

Front-end programmers and mobile app designers may create full-stack applications on AWS fast thanks to a suite of technologies and tools called AWS Amplify.
Amplify can quickly connect to numerous AWS capabilities, including S3, Cognito, and others. Amplify also features a built-in CLI that makes it simple and quick to deploy backend applications.
You can create various apps, ranging from a primary webpage to a backend data model.

AWS Amplifier Pricing

About pricing, AWS Amplify has the following structure:

Free tier:

One of the first payment options, often known as the 12-month trial period, is this one.

Pay as You Go, model:

The free tier changes to a pay-as-you-go basis after the first 12 months, so you must start paying for the services you use.

Steps in AWS Amplify Tutorial:

Step 1:

Purchase a domain from Freenom. Visit www.freenom.com first.

Step 2:

Configuring a custom domain using Route53

Step 3:

Establish a code repository. 1. Open a repository on GitHub or Bitbucket.

Step 4:

Use Amplify to deploy code 1. Go to Amplify in AWS and select Create new app...

Step 5:

Configure a custom domain using the Amplify instruction

How to launch an application with React on AWS Amplify

The tutorial is broken up into five manageable sections. Before moving on to the next module, you must finish each one in its proper order.

  • Create a React app and host it (10 minutes): Create a React app, then use AWS Amplify to deploy and host it.
  • Launch a local application (5 minutes): Create a local app from scratch with AWS Amplify.
  • Authentication is added (10 minutes): Enhance your application with auth.
  • Add a database and GraphQL API (15 minutes): Establish a GraphQL API.
  • The addition of image storage (10 minutes): Give your app more storage.

This React application will be created by you using the AWS Management Console, text editor, and command prompt/terminal.

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AWS Amplifier Working In Angular

You must rename AWS exports.js to AWS exports.ts to import the configuration file into your Angular application.
You must rename AWS exports.js to AWS exports.ts to import the configuration file into your Angular application.
The "node" package needs to be added in the types compiler option when interacting with the supporting AWS-js-SDK. In your source file folder, for example, src/tsconfig.app.json, ensure to change the tsconfig.app.json file.

AWS Analytics

You can get analytics information for your App using the Analytics category. Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Kinesis have built-in support for the Analytics category.
Users of your App are identified by Amazon Cognito Identity pools using the Analytics category.
You can get data from both authenticated and non-authenticated users in your app thanks to Cognito.

AWS Alternatives

Some other apps can be used instead of AWS

  • Esper Esper
  • AWS AppSync Amazon
  • SyncTree Ntuple
  • SyncTree Ntuple
  • Next3 AWS ThemeDev
  • Basic Mono Software
  • Halosys Sonata Software


For those that wish to create their backend or other components from nothing, AWS Amplify is fantastic.
The Amplify components themselves make it simple to assemble the fundamental elements of your app without having to put in a lot of extra effort.